Zoning Information

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Carlsbad is one of the fastest emerging markets in New Mexico, and it is a place to live, work and play. See for yourself:

Category: Why Carlsbad

Posted: Sep 24, 2018

Affordable Housing Contribution Program

The City of Carlsbad has an incentive for developers who want to build affordable housing. All affordable housing funds or housing assistance grants awarded under the act are to be used by qualifying grantees for the benefit of persons of low or moderate income subject to the provisions of the Act and with particular regard to their housing related needs. City of Carlsbad Affordable Housing Ordinance (pdf).

Category: Developer Information

Posted: Sep 24, 2018

Loan Programs

For Developers USDA-Rural Rental Housing Guaranteed Loan Program (Section 538) The Rural Housing Programs makes a variety of loans and grants to housing developers for the construction and renovation of multi-family housing facilities in rural areas. In some cases, loans and grants are also made for the construction of single-family homes as well. USDA-Rural Rental Housing Program (Section 515) Rural Rental Housing Loans are direct.

Category: Developer Information

Posted: Sep 24, 2018

Job Training Incentive Program

Whether you have a thriving business looking to expand, or a business looking to locate in New Mexico, you will need employees. The state of New Mexico has several incentive programs available for businesses opening in New Mexico. One of the best is the Job Training Incentive Program, or JTIP. Learn more about how JTIP can help your business. View the entire JTIP policy to see if.

Category: Developer Information

Posted: Sep 24, 2018


itsQuest cares for you and your family and that is why we offer you one of the most comprehensive benefit plans in the industry. itsQuest offers benefits to both full-time and part-time employees!

Posted: Sep 24, 2018

Infrastructure Reimbursement Program

The City of Carlsbad has an incentive for developers. The Infrastructure Reimbursement Program is designed to support economic development within the City by providing private property owners and developers a fifteen percent reimbursement of the total on-site and off-site qualifying public infrastructure costs associated with an approved development. Qualifying Public Infrastructure may include: Qualifying Public Infrastructure may include: Water lines and associated.

Category: Developer Information

Posted: Sep 24, 2018

2009 Housing Study

The Greater Carlsbad Comprehensive Plan – Strategy 2020, completed in 2003, identified a number of housing issues and established goals and objectives for providing quality residential environments for area residents. The plan also set policies that support the development of a wide variety of high quality housing in Greater Carlsbad. Potential ways to accomplish the housing goals include rehabilitating or replacing housing in poor.

Category: Developer Information

Posted: Sep 24, 2018

2015 Housing Study

The Greater Carlsbad Housing Analysis & Strategic Plan completed in 2009, identified a number of housing issues and established goals and objectives for providing quality residential environments for area residents. Since then, the rise in the oil and gas industry has continued to create a bigger and bigger need for housing and the City of Carlsbad began updating our research from the 2009 study and new study.

Category: Developer Information

Posted: Sep 24, 2018

2017 Housing Report

Carlsbad and Eddy County are experiencing a housing shortage do to an influx of labor working in the oil and gas fields coupled with a diverse and thriving economy. During the current upswing in oil and gas that began in early 2017, we began seeing the same markers we saw from 2012-2015, natural resources employment in the county went up, residential occupancy rate began to.

Category: Developer Information

Posted: Sep 24, 2018

Angel Networks

New Mexico / Southwest Angel Networks • The New Mexico Angels prefer seed and early stage investments. They consider themselves generalists and will consider investing in a wide range of industries. Initially, they were focused on technology but they now consider non-technology ventures. Initial investment amount ranges from $100,000 to $500,000. National Angel Networks • ACE-Net was developed by the U.S. Small Business Administration's.

Category: Funding Resources, Angel Networks

Posted: Sep 24, 2018

Other Industries

New Mexico Department of Agriculture was formally organized in 1955 and has responsibility for over 30 laws legislated over the last half century. NMDA is organized into six divisions: Agricultural and Environmental Services, Agricultural Programs and Resources, Dairy, Marketing and Development, Standards and Consumer Services, and Veterinary Diagnostic Services.

Category: Funding Resources, Other Industries

Posted: Sep 24, 2018

Technology & Energy

Epic Ventures, formerly Wasatch Venture Fund focuses on all sectors of technology in early stage development. Their new name reflects the organization’s evolution from a local Utah firm to a growing regional and national fund. Initial investment amount varies. Flywheel Ventures focuses on information technology, physical sciences and clean technology in seed and early stage ventures. They target innovations arising out of the region’s research universities.

Category: Funding Resources, Technology and Energy

Posted: Sep 24, 2018

Health Care Industry

Psilos Group focuses on healthcare companies that improve quality while reducing healthcare costs and advancing the alignment of payer, patient and provider incentives. They prefer early stage ventures or those in expansion. Initial investment amount ranges from $2 million to $6 million. Tullis-Dickerson and Company focuses on healthcare and has a national and international presence. They prefer early stage or start-up ventures or those in expansion.

Category: Funding Resources, Health Care Industry

Posted: Sep 24, 2018

Expanding Business Financial Information

Accíon New Mexico-Arizona-Colorado is an award-winning nonprofit organization that invests in the community's most important asset - human potential. They increase access to business credit, make loans and provide training to help emerging and existing entrepreneurs realize their dreams. Mesa Capital Partners is an early-stage private equity firm with offices in New Mexico, Oklahoma, Massachusetts and Colorado. They invest in high–potential small businesses in industries and.

Category: Funding Resources, Expanding Business

Posted: Sep 24, 2018

New Business Financial Information

Accíon New Mexico-Arizona-Colorado is an award-winning nonprofit organization that invests in the community's most important asset - human potential. They increase access to business credit, make loans and provide training to help emerging and existing entrepreneurs realize their dreams. International Venture Fund/Invencor focuses on technology, preferring co-investment opportunities. They favor seed and early stage ventures and are typically one of the first venture investors in a.

Category: Funding Resources, Funding and Grant Information