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Flashcards & Bookmarks ?Eleanor, 22, was also captain and chairwoman of DMU 's Lacrosse Society while Simon played for DMU Basketball - and was part of the university's Varsity-winning side.
The group in Cyprus, which will be led by DMU Deputy Vice-Chancellor Andy Collop, will also take part in DMU 's 24-hour #LoveInternational event on Thursday 18 October by connecting back to campus via video link.
Every DMU student has the chance to be part of an affordable #DMUglobal adventure -- overseas-focused travel opportunities linked to both study and careers that increase students' confidence.
(ii) Presenting a two-step robust method to deal with different scenarios for ideal DMU (it is possible to have more than one DMU with unit efficiency in each period and therefore different combinations of DMUs result in different scenarios)
For example, consider [DMU.sub.1] as an efficient DMU Two following virtual DMUs are added to the PPS:
Some of the DMU collection is already available on DVD--a real attraction for research students, curators, heritage managers and teachers--and the aim is to completely digitise the collection for a complementary website.
In the DDFlyTrain project, the optimal configuration for a DMU was found to be two 4.5MJ capacity TorqStor units with a maximum speed of 45,000rpm.
To find efficiency score of n DMUs we have to solve this LP exactly n times.[DMU.sub.o] is called the DEA inefficient or "pessimistic inefficient" DMU when there is a set of positive weights [u.sup.*.sub.r] (r = 1, . s) and [v.sup.*.sub.i] (i = 1, . m) that makes [[phi].sup.*] = 1; otherwise, it is called "DEA non-inefficient" or "pessimistic non-inefficient." It is obvious that "pessimistic non-inefficient" is not synonymous with "optimistic efficient." An inefficient frontier is defined by all of the "pessimistic inefficient" DMUs .
With the intention of enhancing the efficiency scores of some DMUs when there are changes in the output (input) amounts of an efficient DMU , the current study will elucidate the inverse DEA model for the DSBM model.