Wisconsin State Law Library

The United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (ATF) is the federal agency that oversees regulation of firearms. In Wisconsin, the Department of Justice, Department of Corrections, Department of Safety and Professional Services, and the Department of Natural Resources all have some part in firearm regulation and research. The Wisconsin Legislative Council created an information memorandum in 2022 that summarizes firearm regulation in Wisconsin.

Popular questions

How do I find requirements for storing firearms in the home?

Wisconsin Statute 948.55 provides penalties for leaving or storing a loaded firearm within the reach or easy access of a child. You can find more statutes about firearms in the Wisconsin Statutes index. You can find articles and guides online about safe firearm storage, or research cases which may examine the issue. Use the laws research links below to start your research.

Where can I find laws about tasers in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin Statute 941.295 defines "electric weapons." Subchapter III of chapter 941 deals with laws about weapons. Use the laws research links below to start your research.



County resources

Research links



Concealed Carry / Concealed Weapons

Domestic Violence & Surrender of Firearms

Surrender of Firearms


Knives and Blades

Other Weapons

Library books & articles

Wisconsin Books


Law Review Articles