Kigali-15 th , July 2019- Rwanda considers our education system as a springboard to achieving national aspirations. Good teachers are necessary if good learning is to take place. That is why as part of recent developments, Rwanda Education Board as part Ministry of Education efforts has revised the Teacher Training College curriculum to ensure that graduating teachers are efficient to help produce better citizens.
This was part of opening remarks of Mr. Rutiyomba Florian, Director for Arts and Humanities Curriculum in the Teaching and Learning Resources Department (CT&LRD) of Rwanda Education Board (REB), at the Training of Trainers workshop on the new Teacher Training College (TTC) curriculum.
In 2016 Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) rolled out the new Competence-based Curriculum (CBC) in schools, replacing the knowledge-based curriculum. A few years down the road, funded by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Rwanda Education Board with technical support through Inspire, Educate and Empower Rwanda (IEE) has revised the TTC curriculum to ensure that graduating teachers from TTCs have requisite skills to deliver the CBC.
With the TTC curriculum ready to be rolled out, UNICEF through IEE supported a Training of Trainers workshop which brought together REB CT&LRD Curriculum Specialists together with IEE Education Specialists to be oriented on a uniform approach for orienting TTC stakeholders; Principals and Tutors on the new TTC curriculum. Embedded in the TTC curriculum framework among several changes, has been opening up the TTC curriculum whereby in addition to covering basic modules to prepare them to be teachers, teacher trainees will also cover Advanced Level content as part of their studies to enable them possibilities of enrolling into tertiary education to attain higher qualifications. By this, MINEDUC/REB aim at elevating the profile of TTC graduates, while guaranteeing that they are effectively equipped to deliver the CBC.
This orientation training focused on the content, methodologies and the competences that student teachers should acquire to be qualified and competent teachers to implement the CBC for pre-primary and primary education, with the main goal of training a new generation of teachers with relevant knowledge, skills, attitudes and values for the 21st century labor market.
It was intended that trainers understand the major changes in the revised TTC curriculum, the concepts of CBC and the methodology to be used in the training so that, they could be able to further facilitate TTC-based trainings on the new curriculum at all 16 TTCs in 16 districts.
We have interacted comprehensively on the major changes in the TTC curriculum, and we have a common strategy to take the training further to TTC stakeholders. I will confidently take this to TTC Gacuba II, said Kamugisha James an IEE Education Specialist based in Rubavu district.
To support effective implementation of the TTC curriculum, UNICEF and IEE will continue to complement MINEDUC, REB efforts continually building capacities of TTC stakeholders.
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